Psicrystal Containment & Psionic Meditation

Publish date: 2024-09-06
Does Psicrystal Containment work with Psionic Meditation? That is, if a character has both feats can she psionicly focus her psicrystal as a move action?

From the SRD (emphasis mine):


Your psicrystal has advanced enough that it can hold a psionic focus that you store within it.

Prerequisites: Psicrystal Affinity, manifester level 3rd.

Benefit: You can spend a full-round action attempting to psionically focus your psicrystal. At any time when you need to expend your psionic focus, you can expend your psicrystal’s psionic focus instead, as long as the crystal is within 5 feet of you. Psionically focusing your psicrystal works just like focusing yourself. The psicrystal cannot focus itself—only the owner can spend the time to focus the crystal.


You can focus your mind faster than normal, even under duress.

Prerequisite: Wis 13, Concentration 7 ranks.

Benefit: You can take a move action to become psionically focused.

Normal: A character without this feat must take a full-round action to become psionically focused
