What causes cyclamen leaves to curl?

Publish date: 2024-09-08

It is likely that your cyclamen has some cyclamen mite damage. The mites feed on the under surface of the leaf and can cause the leaf to curl.Click to see full answer. In this regard, why do cyclamen leaves curl?If the leaves of your cyclamen are twisted and curled, and if buds appear deformed, your plant is probably infested with cyclamen mites. Remove the damaged parts, and submerge the entire plant in water that’s 110 degrees Fahrenheit for about 15 minutes.Also, how do you kill cyclamen mites? Heat treatment. Cyclamen and broad mites are heat sensitive and can be killed if immersed in 110 degree F water for 30 minutes. These temperatures are generally low enough to cause little damage to most plants but water temperature must be maintained properly and the whole plant, pot and all, needs to be immersed. Accordingly, how often do you water a cyclamen plant? While in bloom, keep the root ball moist and feed the plant every two weeks. Cyclamen should be kept moist by watering in a tray and allowing the roots to take up the water rather than watering from above the plant which can lead to rotting. Remove yellow leaves and spent flowers.Why are the leaves on my cyclamen plant turning yellow?Warm temperatures and improper watering can also cause yellow leaves on cyclamen plants. The blossoms last longer when the plant is kept cool. Cyclamen likes a moderately moist soil. It should be moist to touch, but never soggy.
